"You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning!"
Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female Prime Minister, died today on the eighth of April. In 1975, Thatcher became the first woman in the United Kingdom to lead a major political party when she won the Conservative Party leadership election. Then in 1979, she won the general election and became Prime Minister. To this day she is Britain's one and only female Prime Minister, and has held office longer than anyone else in Britain during the 20th century. 

"Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope." 
-Margaret Thatcher after becoming PM. 

When Thatcher became Prime Minister, Britain’s economy was in dire condition. By increasing taxes, cutting expenditures on social services, raising indirect taxes and lowering direct income taxes, (all a part of Thatcher's economic policy) the economy soon recovered. During her time in office Thatcher added free market principles to the economy, brought home ownership to thousands, and ended the NUM (National Miners' Union). However, unemployment, poverty, and inequality rose. She also played a major part in ending the Cold War.

Margret Thatcher did what many and even herself believed was impossible during her time, become the first female Prime Minister of Britain. She led with strong leadership and a stubborn political approach. I believe that she will go down as a historic figure, not just because she was the first woman Prime Minister, but because of what she did while she was in office: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

REFERENCES: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Thatcher
North Korea’s aggression has steadily escalated since 2009, when it reactivated its nuclear facilities and began testing nuclear devices. In 2013, the country tested its third nuclear device and surrounding countries responded by calling an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council. The most recent military action seen by North Korea was in 2010 when it killed four people during an attack of a South Korean island. North Korea has continued to make threats towards South Korea, Japan, and the United States, but their aims are still unknown. Foreign embassies in Pyongyang have received recommendations to move out of the country for their own safety, but none have made any actions to leave. Since March, both America and South Korea have exercised their military’s by performing series of drills. North Korea responded by declaring that they were now in a state of war. 

"North Korea is dispelling any remaining uncertainties about its intention for developing nuclear arms. It is making it clear that its nuclear arms program is the essence of its national security and that it's not negotiable,"

Sohn Yong-woo
Professor at National Defence Strategy of Hannam University in South Korea.
Their weaponry is outdated and Kim Jung-uns nationalistic and imperialistic point of view is completely backwards; however, this does not mean they are not a threat. The country has over 9 million men and woman fit for military service and they’re expanding their nuclear programs. Their missiles would not be able to reach North American but they are able to hit all of South Korea, Russia, China, and American military installations in the Pacific islands of Hawaii and Guam.
The threats that North Korea is making are serious and should be taken the same way.  It is better to prepare for the actions of North Korea rather than underestimating them. It seems like the country is becoming reckless with its recent threats, and unpredictability is becoming their main weapon. Kim Jung-un is a young leader, so it’s hard to decipher his intentions, but I think that it is highly possible that North Korea will deploy a non-nuclear attack on South Korea before tensions subside. I don't see them as a direct threat to North America, only to the military installations far from our soil and the foreign embassies.
REFERENCES: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/05/world/asia/north-korean-missile-moved-to-coast.html?pagewanted=all
The United Nations predict that the amount of Syrian refugees will double or triple by 2014 if the country’s conflict does not subside. The Syrian civil war started just two years ago. The intense violence of this war has caused over 1.2 million Syrians to become displaced within the country, and another million to flee to neighboring countries. 
“The world is sleeping. It’s failing us. … How can it continue to turn its back on us every day as more and more are killed inside Syria?”
-Syrian Refugee
Recently the fighting in Syria has been escalating, especially near the country’s borders, blocking people from crossing into the safer neighboring countries. However, this has not slowed down the amount of refugees. In the past week, the amount of Syrian refugees travelling into Jordan has drastically increased, leaving the already financially unprepared U.N. officials demanding more support. Canada has already donated 48 million towards the humanitarian crisis, but the United Nation warns that if financial assistance does not increase, not just from Canada, but from donors across the world, many of the people will die of starvation.

The perseverance that these people have is incredible. I believe that it’s necessary for the growing refugees to receive more financial support because no one should have to suffer through the fighting that fills this country, especially the children. It’s unsettling to see children traumatized by war, but if they are given a chance, they could overcome their sufferings and heal. Reading about such suffering really opens my eyes to how good I have it, and it makes me appreciate living in Canada much more.
REFERENCES: http://globalnews.ca/news/459044/un-expects-number-of-syrian-refugees-to-triple-asks-for-more-aid/
A 220 pound bomb discovered less than a mile away from a popular railway station in Berlin stopped all nearby transportation. The explosive was found on Tuesday, April 2 by construction workers, and after, the station was soon closed down. By Wednesday, the police evacuated all surrounding houses, streets were cordoned off, and over 50 trains and some flights were either diverted or brought to a standstill. The emergency crews planned to defuse the bomb later in the afternoon. The engineers were well-trained but an 70-year-old explosive like this one is extremely unpredictable. The experts did manage to safely defuse the bomb after half-an-hour.

"One day such bombs will be so sensitive that no one will be able to handle them,"

-Bomb disposal expert Hans-Juergen Weise.

Many WW2 explosives have been discovered throughout Germany, and sometimes the only way to safely dispose of the bomb is to evacuate the area and detonate it. In 2012, a large 550 pound explosive was found in Munich again by construction workers, and the emergency crew had no other choice but to evacuate and detonate the bomb. The explosive damaged surrounding houses and buildings. Many other European countries also face bomb problems linked back to past conflicts. 
There will probably always be hidden bombs left over from past conflicts throughout Europe and the world, but one would think that with such possible damage, there would be more concern about locating all of the forgotten bombs. In most cases, these bombs are found close to populated cities or areas by construction workers, builders, and sometimes children. It is no secret that there are many old bombs hidden in Europe, especially Germany, but it seems like they are only taken seriously when they're found.
REFERENCES: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22011590