The United Nations predict that the amount of Syrian refugees will double or triple by 2014 if the country’s conflict does not subside. The Syrian civil war started just two years ago. The intense violence of this war has caused over 1.2 million Syrians to become displaced within the country, and another million to flee to neighboring countries. 
“The world is sleeping. It’s failing us. … How can it continue to turn its back on us every day as more and more are killed inside Syria?”
-Syrian Refugee
Recently the fighting in Syria has been escalating, especially near the country’s borders, blocking people from crossing into the safer neighboring countries. However, this has not slowed down the amount of refugees. In the past week, the amount of Syrian refugees travelling into Jordan has drastically increased, leaving the already financially unprepared U.N. officials demanding more support. Canada has already donated 48 million towards the humanitarian crisis, but the United Nation warns that if financial assistance does not increase, not just from Canada, but from donors across the world, many of the people will die of starvation.

The perseverance that these people have is incredible. I believe that it’s necessary for the growing refugees to receive more financial support because no one should have to suffer through the fighting that fills this country, especially the children. It’s unsettling to see children traumatized by war, but if they are given a chance, they could overcome their sufferings and heal. Reading about such suffering really opens my eyes to how good I have it, and it makes me appreciate living in Canada much more.

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